Message to our volunteers:
When volunteering at Top soccer, you will typically work one on one with a child. Our players have a difficult time participating in sports like their typically developing peers. Our coaches will help guide you in how best to support your player. They might need
Your assistance and time is SO appreciated not only by the coaches but more importantly by the children and their families! You mean a lot to your player! Attention students: Volunteering counts for community service hours!
When volunteering at Top soccer, you will typically work one on one with a child. Our players have a difficult time participating in sports like their typically developing peers. Our coaches will help guide you in how best to support your player. They might need
- extra help with following the directions of the drill
- extra encouragement to engage with the games
- support with how to interact with their peers.
- give them extra time to engage
- physical support, such as holding their hand and doing the drill together
- look for facial cues and read body language (some of our players do not speak) to see if they understand
- letting them go at their pace, such as allowing them to run and kick the ball rather than participate in the team game or drill
Your assistance and time is SO appreciated not only by the coaches but more importantly by the children and their families! You mean a lot to your player! Attention students: Volunteering counts for community service hours!